FSD7 Webinars 2021 > Webinar 3

Multi-scale and multicriteria trade-off analysis in the SDG1-SDG2 nexus, to co-design sustainable and healthy agri-food systems and to inform policies

24 March 2021: 10:00AM to 12:00PM (GMT+2)

Chaired by Hatem Belhouchette (CIHEAM Montpellier, France) and Pytrik Reidsma (Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands)

Session objectives

The objective of this webinar is to present and discuss case studies that have addressed methodological challenges related to the co-design of resilient and sustainable farming systems in dryland areas. More particularly, this session will initiate a debate on the multiscale, multidisciplinary and trade-offs analysis when faced with the challenges of co-designing innovative farming systems with multifaceted objectives including optimal productivity, conserving natural resources and ensuring household food needs.  Presentations have been selected to represent a variety of different biophysical and socio-economic contexts, assessment objectives, and mobilized methods and tools/models that associate, in one way or another, local stakeholders. A final session will be reserved to utilize the former presentations and debates to explore possible areas of action to be promoted in development projects and agricultural policies.

Program and speakers

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