FSD7-2022 Workshop
30 October to 3 November 2022
Wednesday 2 November – FSD7 Workshop – Day 3
8.30 - 9.00:
Feedback from Day 2 (Chair Bruno Gérard (UM6P); Rapporteur: Rachid Moussadek (ICARDA-INRA)): Where do we see potential collaboration among projects?
9.00 - 10.45:
Session 11 (Chair Aymen Frija (ICARDA, Tunisia) ; Rapporteur: Rein van der Hoeck (ABC, Senegal)): Integrating ecosystems services valuation and trade-off analysis in farming systems design
10.45 - 11.10: Break
11.10 - 12.20:
Session 12 (Chair Pablo Tittonell (Groningen University, NL) ; Rapporteur: Mangi L Jat, ICRISAT, India): Systemic innovation for agri-food systems transformation
12.20 - 14.00: Lunch
14.00 - 15.10:
Session 13 (Chair Jacques Wery (L’Institut Agro) ; Rapporteur: Mina Devkota Wasti): Revisiting a long lasting an unsolved problem with a systemic approach: the case of pulses in agri-food systems – a collective discussion towards a framework for renewed collaboration between Africa and Europe
15.10 - 16.20:
Session 10 Final discussion and closure of FSD7 Workshop (Chair Jacques Wery (L’Institut Agro) ; Rapporteur: Chantal Loyce): The future of the FSD network and the organisation of the FSD8 symposium
16.20 - 16.40: Break
16.40 - 18.00:
Special session to present and discuss the key messages of the workshop for the student day (Chair Bruno Gérard (UM6P)