Workshop Sessions > Session 5

What’s new in modelling for cropping and farming systems design?

Chair:  Sentold Asseng (HEM-TUM, Munich)

Rapporteur: Uwe Grewer (Queensland Univ., Australia)

Day: Tuesday 1 November 2022

Time: 9.30 - 11.00

5.1. farmer’s decisions and their impacts at different scales on resilience, sustainability and ecosystem services?

Discussions based on presentations (15 min. each)

DHABSIM platform to enhance WEFE nexus decision-making in Mediterranean Agri-food Production: scaling decision-making from field to regional by incorporating climate change, market risk analysis, system representativeness, data quality, and the cost of ecosystem degradation (Hatem Belhouchette and Georgios Kleftodimos ; CIHEAM France)

Based on the abstracts:

5.2. Crop modelling at different scales under climate change and water scarcity

Discussions based on presentations

5.3. Can we coordinate our efforts on agricultural systems modelling in the MENA region?

Discussion introduced by Sentold Asseng (AgMIP) and Vinay Nangia (ICARDA)

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