Workshop Sessions > Session 2

What’s new in co-design methods and tools for agrifood systems?

Chair:  Marie-Helène Jeuffroy, INRAE and IDEAS platform

Rapporteur: Laure Hossard

Date: Monday 31 October 2022

Time: 11.00 - 12.30

Discussions based on presentations (10 min. each)

  • Co-design at farm level and for regional scaling - Ecological intensification of livestock production in native grasslands: a case of co-innovation in Uruguay (Santiago Dogliotti et al. ; Universidad de la República – Uruguay)
  • Co-design of cropping systems - Design workshops for innovative cropping systems: Learning from 12 case studies (Jean-Marc Meynard et al. ; INRAE, France)
  • Co-design of Socio Technical Innovation Bundles - Concept and application to sustainable intensification of mixed farming systems (Santiago Lopez-Ridaura et al. ; One CGIAR)
  • Innovation tracking - Tracking farmer’s innovations to foster farming systems design: methodological lessons from 14 cases (Chloé Salembier et al. ; France)
  • Farmers as designers - Roots and uses of an emerging notion in agronomy: farmers designers (Lorène Prost et al.; INRAE, France).
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