Program > FSD7 Workshop Day 1

FSD7-2022  Workshop
30 October to 3 November 2022

Hotel El Olivar Palace - Marrakech (Morocco)

Monday 31 October – FSD7 Workshop – Day 1

9.00 - 9.45:
Session 0 (Chair Hatem Belhouchette): Welcome and workshop objectives and program

9.45 - 10.45:
Session 1 (Chair Jacques Wery ; rapporteur : Frederic Baudron (CIMMYT, Zimbabwe): Challenges of farming systems design in the drylands of Africa and Asia : discussion based on short presentations of expected outcome of new projects

10.45 - 11.00: Break

11.00 - 12.30:
Session 2  (Chair Marie-Helène Jeuffroy, INRAE and IDEAS platform ; rapporteur : Laure Hossard, INRAE): What’s new in co-design methods and tools for agrifood systems?

12.30 - 14.00: Lunch

14.00 - 15.30:
Session 3 (Chair Bruno Gerard ; rapporteur : Hatem Belhouchette (CIHEAM, France): Designing/Promoting/Scalling agro-ecologically based farming systems in the MENA region:  can we manage the complex trade-offs between food/ nutrition security and the preservation of natural resources under climate change and water scarcity?

15.30 - 15.45: Break

15h45 - 17.00:
Session 4 (Chair Jacques Wery, L’Institut Agro ; rapporteur An Nottenbaert, One CGIAR): Capacity building in AgriFood systems analysis and design : international collaboration on methods, tools and curriculae

17.00 - 18.00:
Special Session to prepare students day (for participants attending the student day on Thursday) (Chair Bruno Gérard, UM6P)

18.00 - 21.00:
Departure from hotel for Social event

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