Designing Climate Smart Agricultural Systems for a Sustainable Transformation of the Agri-food Systems of the Dry Areas
30 October to 3 November 2022, Marrakech (Morocco)
This workshop (FSD7-2022 Workshop) was part of the Farming Systems Design 7 program (FSD7) in which, for reasons linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, the FSD7 symposium initially planned in March 2021 in Tunisia has been replaced by a series of webinars in March 2021 (see the proceedings).
The FSD7-2022 workshop was an important milestone in the road to the FSD8 Symposium in the fall of 2024 which will be in Christchurch New Zealand (chair : Paolo Gregorini, Lincoln University).
The FSD7-2022 Workshop was organized by the FSD international network through the FSD7 Scientific Committee, in partnership with Moroccan institutions (IAV, UM6P, INRA, ENA Meknes, Ministry of agriculture…) and with international institutions based in Morocco (ICARDA) and in Montpellier (IAMM-CIHEAM and L’Institut Agro).
Expected outcome
Networking with regional and global projects, networks and institutions on systems research and capacity development in agriculture, food systems and the environment
Sharing scientific achievements and lessons learnt from project implementation in agrifood systems transformation under climate change
Discussing international collaboration in systems research and capacity development.
The applied focus was on agrifood systems of the drylands of Africa and Asia but all novel scientific and methodological contributions for agrifood systems transformation were welcome.
A detailed program of the workshop and side events is available here.
For practical reasons, attendance was limited to 100 participants. Priority was given to representatives of research groups and network/projects leaders in FSD domain and related domains for cross fertilization. Early career African scientists (below 40) working in the FSD domain were also welcome. Participation was free of charge but participants should cover their travel and accommodation costs.
The limit of number of participants to the FSD7 workshop has been reached.